Li Kuchan 李苦禪 (1899 - 1983 ) was born in a poor peasant family, Gaotang County
Shandong Province China.
- Student
He moved to Beijing and followed a work-study program at Beijing University. |
He joined Amateur Painting Research Association and learned drawing under |
Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿 ( 1895-1953 )
He studied at National Beijing College of Art and learned bird-and-flower painting
under Qi Baishi 齐白石 ( 1864-1957 ) who considered him as his best student.
Graduated, he moved to Hangzhou. |
- Educator |
He taught Art at the Hangzhou Art Academy next Pan Tanshiou 潘天寿 ( 1897-1971 ) .
1950- 1983
He taught at Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.
On June 11, he passed away in Beijing, at the age of 84.
- Artist - Calligrapher and Painter. |
He leaves behind the image of a painter renowned for his paintings of flowers and birds
particularly eagles.
His works are in the collections of the China Art Gallery, in Beijing. |
Danièle Sicard |
Li Kuchan 李苦禪 - Eagle - Ink on paper 65 x 44 cm (China Fine Arts Gallery Beijing) - 1979