Li Qingping 李青萍was born on November 16 in Jingzhou, Hubei province in China.
She studied painting at an early age. |
Graduated from the School of Art, she pursued to study in the postgraduate class.
Graduated from the Shanghai Xinhua Art Institute, she taught in Kuncheng girls
School, in Malaysia.
Encouraged by Xu Beihong 徐悲鸿, she published The Art of Qingping and began
to exhibit in Kuala Lumpur.
She exhibited in Tokyo, Osaka Japan.
She was invited inTaipei, Taichung and Tainan Taiwan.
During the Cultural Revolution, most of her works were destroyed.
She died on January 29.
Danièle Sicard
Solo exhibitions selection
03.04 10.05 Drifting Duckweed, remaining shadow Li Qingping's Art Art Museum Hubei China
26.11 25.12 Li Qingping Centenary Contemporary Art Space Oasis Dongguan China
Juillet Master of Her Generation :Legendary Artist Li Qingping's A.C.A.C. Nanjing China
Books, catalogues, articles on Li Qingqping and his work could be alone the object of a publication. - selection.
炼狱里的祈祷 李青萍画传
text Huang De Ze 黄德泽
in chinese
23 cm x17 cm
264 p
isbn 978 7 5434 7121 4
Li Qingping
Shanghai Art Museum
catalogue of the exhibition 20.02 to 22.03 2008
Shanghai Art Museum
in chinese
28,5 cm x 28,5 cm
168 p
isbn 978 7 80678 806 6
Drifting Duckweed, remaining shadow
Li Qingping's Art
03.04 10.05 2009 Hubei Museum of Art
Hundred Qingping
Memorial returned overseas Chinese Female Painter Li Qingping's 100 Anniversary Works of Art Exhibition
26.11 25.12 2012 Oasis Contemporary Art Space Dongguan
Master of Her Generation : Legendary Artist Li Qingping's Solo Exhibition
A.C.A.C.Avant-garde Contemporary Art Center Nanjing July 2013