Shiy De-Jinn 席德进 pinyin Xi Dejin
Shiy De-Jinn 席德进 ( 1923-1997 ) was born in Nanbuxian, Sichuan Province.
He learned drawing very young. |
He joined the National Academy of Art in Chongqing and he studied under
the guidance of Lin Fengmian.
Graduated from Hangzhou Academy, he went to teach at the provincial Chiayi
High School inTaiwan. |
He held his first exhibition. |
He moved to France in Paris, for three years. |
Back to Taiwan, he taught at the National Taiwan Normal University.
( Fine-Arts department )
Watercolor and Oil painter, he finds the subjects of his works while strolling
in the neighboring villages.
Daniele Sicard |
Shiy De-Jinn 席德进 - Rainy Day in Jia-Nan - Watercolour on paper 56 x 75 cm - 1973