Chinese artists by Michel Nau - Li Hua  李桦






Li Hua







Li Hua  李桦    ( 1907-1994 )  was born on March 6, in Guangzhou, Guangdong


Province  China.



He studied at the Municipal Guangzhou Art School.
  Graduated, he began teaching there.


He left to expand his knowledge in Japan, at Kawabata Art School, in Tokyo.



Back in Guangzhou, encouraged by the writer Lu Xun( 1881- 1936 ) who regarded


him as one of the most talented engravers of his time, he founded with 27 members :


The Modern Woodcut Society .



He went to Shanghai and produced many woodcuts.

Human suffering and political struggle are expressed in his works, such as


Roar China ! -  engraving made in protest of the Japanese invasion of China


and conserved at the Lu Xun Memorial in Shanghai.



He taught at Beijing National Art School, then at Central Academy of Fine Arts
   ( Graphic Arts Department ).


He passed way on May 5 in Beijing Hospital at the age of 87.
  Daniele Sicard



 Li Hua  李桦  -  Help !  救命 !  -  Woodcut  1947

Li Hua  李桦  -  Help !  救命 !  -  Woodcut  1947


Li Hua  李桦  -  Roar !  China  怒吼吧 !  中国   -  Woodcut  1935

Li Hua  李桦  -  Roar !  China  怒吼吧 !  中国   -  Woodcut  1935



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