Chinese artists by Michel Nau - Hsing-Ya Wu  吳幸亞  





Hsing-Ya Wu







Hsing-Ya Wu  吳幸亞 pinyin Wu Xingya


Hsing-Ya Wu  吳幸亞 was born in Taiwan.


She studied at Taipei National University of the Arts, (TNUA)  Taiwan.

  She graduated with a MFA ( Dance Choreography/Performance )
    -  Dancer and Choreographer

She collaborated with : 


Feng Dance Theatre - Dance Forum Taipei company - WC Dance Company -


Century Contemporary  Dance Company - Sunshier Dance Theatre ...




She joined Ella Mesma Company and performed with the dance group


at Sadler's Wells Theatre in London.




She performed in Moon Light created by Anna Alvarez at Arcola Theatre, for CASA
   Festival, in East London.


After Taiwan ( 2013), United States ( 2015 ),she was artist-in-residence in France,


at the International City of Arts de Paris ( 2023 ) where she performed in the main


courtyard: Color

  She lives and works in  London  United Kingdom.
  Daniele Sicard


Grants selection

Arts Council



National Culture and Arts Foundation



Ministry of Culture



Grants for artist -in-residence

The American Dance Festival Durham United States
The Watermill Center

New York

United States

Taipei Artists Village Taipei Taiwan
International City of Arts Paris France


Festivals  selection


IETM Festival

Hull United Kingdom

Casa Latin American


United Kingdom

Vault Festival


United Kingdom

Danse City


United Kingdom

Offbeat Festival


United Kingdom

The American Dance Festival Durham United States


Hsing-Ya Wu  吳幸亞                                                    




Hsing-Ya Wu  吳幸亞  -  Performance  -  Cité Internationale des Arts  Paris  -  2023


Hsing-Ya Wu  吳幸亞  -  Performance  -  Cité Internationale des Arts  Paris  -  2023



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