Chinese artists by Michel Nau - Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰  





Cui Yunfeng






Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰  -  portrait  -  chinesenewart



Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰 was born in Changbai Shan, in Shoutheast of Jilin Province   China.


He studied at the Minzu University of China  Beijing.


He graduated in Oil Painting.


His works show his search for visual perception.

  Daniele Sicard


  Solo exhibitions  selection


29.07 24.09 Murtceps One Way Art Beijing  China


08.12 20.01 Sense Of View M1 Gallery Beijing  China


22.10 22.11  Light & Space  光与空间 Habitat  Shanghai  China

  Collective exhibitions  selection


31.10 15.11 DarkMatter II Contemporary Art Museum Czech-China


16.09 15.10 Premises of Affection Link Gallery Beijing  Chine


13.07 22.07 Chinese spirit: - The fourth China Oil Painting NAMOC Beijing  China


26.06 26.07 Cognitive Mapping BennusSpace Beijing  China


16.11 21.12 Eagle dragon Rythm section Reuten Galery Amsterdam The Netherlands




Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰  -  Spacing 1  -  Acrylic on paper 160 x 100 cm  -  2015

Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰  -  "Spacing 1"  -  Acrylic on paper 160 x 100 cm  -  2015


Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰  -  Overlay 2  -  Acrylic on canvas 95 x 95 cm  -  2017

Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰  -  "Overlay 2"  -  Acrylic on canvas 95 x 95 cm  -  2017


Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰  -  Continuation 1 -  Acrylic on canvas 190 x 190 cm  -  2016

Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰  -  "Continuation 1"  -  Acrylic on canvas 190 x 190 cm  -  2016



Cui Yunfeng Solo Exhibition  崔云峰  -  Murtceps  序视  -  29.07 24.09 2017  One Way Art  Beijing  -  poster

Cui Yunfeng Solo Exhibition  崔云峰  -  Murtceps  序视
 -  29.07 24.09 2017  One Way Art  Beijing  
-  poster


Solo Exhibition of Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰个展  -  Sense of View  格景调物  -  08.12 2018 20.01 2019  M1 Gallery  Beijing  -  poster

Solo Exhibition of Cui Yunfeng  崔云峰个展  -  Sense of View  格景调物
 -  08.12 2018 20.01 2019  M1 Gallery  Beijing  
-  poster


Cui Yunfeng Solo Exhibition  崔云峰个展  -  Light & Space  光与空间  -  22.10 21.11 2021  Habitat  Shanghai  -  poster

Cui Yunfeng Solo Exhibition  崔云峰个展  -  Light & Space  光与空间  
-  22.10 21.11 2021  Habitat  Shanghai  
-  poster


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