Artistes chinois par Michel Nau - Tao Han  陶晗






Tao Han







Tao Han  陶晗  was born in Jilin Province,  China.



  He studied at the Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts,
  then at the Shandong Academy of Fine Arts.
  He continued his studies in Italy :
    -  at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts.
    -  and Brera Fine Arts Academy in Milan.
  He lives and works in Milan  Italy.
  Daniele Sicard


Tao Han  陶晗  -  Escape from the Lagrangian

Tao Han  陶晗  -  Escape from the Lagrangian


Tao Han  陶晗  -  Entropy of Dionysus

Tao Han  陶晗  -  Entropy of Dionysus



 Reproduction interdite ©  chinesenewart  Paris  Mentions légales