Chinese artists by Michel Nau - Zhong Lewen  钟乐文   





Zhong Lewen




Zhong Lewen  钟乐文  -  portrait  - chinesenewart





Zhong Lewen  钟乐文 was born in Weifang, Shandong Province, in China.

  She studied Art at Nanchang University.


She graduated with a bachelor's degree.
  She moved to France and she continued her studies in Quimper.


She graduated with a D.N.A.P. de l'Ecole Européenne Supérieure d'Art de Quimper.


She followed the embroidery courses of the Pascale Jaouen School,in Quimper..


She graduated with a D.N.S.E..P.  from the European Superior School of Art in Quimper.



Ji Sheng - series of 10 IUDs in embroidery.


If the IUD, a contraceptive product, represents the sexual liberation of women in


the West, imposed in the Republic of China, it appears as a political tool denounced


by the artist.

  She lives and works in France.

Danièle Sicard



Zhong Lewen                                                                    



Artistes chinois par Michel Nau - Zhong Lewen  钟乐文


Zhong Lewen  钟乐文  -  installation


Artistes chinois par Michel Nau - Zhong Lewen  钟乐文

Zhong Lewen  钟乐文  -  Truisme  -  Sculpture  



Zhong Lewen  钟乐文 with Michel Nau

Zhong Lewen  钟乐文 with Michel Nau  



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