Chinese artists by Michel Nau - Xu Xingzhi  许幸之  





Xu Xingzhi  




Xu Xingzhi  许幸之 ( 1904-1991 )  was born on April 5, in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province,


in China.



Graduated fom the Shanghai School of Fine Arts, he continued his studies


at the Oriental Art Institute of Shanghai.



He left for Japan to study Western painting at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts.


He returned there in 1927 and in 1929.


He taught painting at Zhonghua University of Art.


He was appointed President of the League of Leftist Artists.



He worked for Shanghai Tianyi Film Company and then for Diantong Film Company.


production of the fim : Children of Trouble Time 1935


Adaptation Direction :  AQ True Story  by Lu Xun 1937



After teaching at the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts and then at Zhongshan University,


he was appointed Professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, and directed


the Art Theory Research Center.



He passed away at the age of 87.

Danièle Sicard



Xu Xingzhi  许幸之

Xu Xingzhi  许幸之  Forest of Steels  1962



Xu Xingzhi  许幸之

Xu Xingzhi  许幸之   化肥烟涌   1962年  木板油画



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